Protecting WA Black-Cockatoos
Expressions of Interest Applications open now.
Application period closes 1st March 2025.
This project supports private landholders to protect and improve the habitat values of Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo breeding and foraging sites, which also benefits Wheatbelt Eucalypt Woodland Threatened Ecological Communities (TEC) where they co-exist. Project actions include revegetating with key food plants, improving nesting habitat through controlling stock access, regeneration, pest management, and erecting artificial nesting structures. The project will work with community and landholders to further contribute to improving our knowledge and management of Black-Cockatoos by surveying for undiscovered sites and mapping critical habitat.
Protecting the Eucalypt Woodland of WA Wheatbelt and the species that call them home.
Expression of Interest Applications open now.
Application period closes 1st March 2025.
This project focuses on the critically endangered Eucalypt Woodlands of the Western Australian Wheatbelt Threatened Ecological Community (TEC), a vital and iconic part of the Wheatbelt landscape. Continued work in partnership with landholders and our community will improve the condition of the Eucalypt Woodland TEC through establishing conservation agreements and implementing priority actions. These include revegetation, stock exclusion fencing, weed control and feral animal management. This project will also trial appropriate fire management techniques to encourage natural regeneration, focusing on wide ranging woodland sub-communities in degraded condition. The secondary focus for this project is identifying Chuditch distribution in priority areas and implementing management actions such as feral animal control and the installation of artificial dens to increase their long-term viability.
Forage for Nature
Applications close Monday 16th March 2025
Building on the success of our Optimising Fodder for Mixed Farming project, Wheatbelt NRM will work with farmers in the Avon River Basin to create biodiverse forage systems that enhance soil health and farm productivity. Demonstrations will highlight methods to boost productivity and natural capital, with workshops and case studies sharing this knowledge across the wheatbelt.
Collaborative Catchment Approach to Wheatbelt Regenerative Agricultural Practices.
Wheatbelt NRM in collaboration with the Mulloon Institute and the Gabby Quoi Quoi Catchment Group are testing the assumption that working together at the catchment scale farmers can build a sustainable future based on regenerative practices that supports systems change for restoring landscape functionality.
Red Card for Rabbits and Foxes
Funding available for Community Participation in Red Card!
Wheatbelt NRM has secured funding through the Western Australian Government’s State NRM program to support community events under the Red Card for Rabbits and Foxes initiative.