Healthy Environments

The Healthy Environments team works in partnership with landholders and the Wheatbelt community to protect and manage biodiversity in the Avon River Basin. This is achieved through both on-ground action and community education. The team supports landholders to conduct meaningful on ground management activities to conserve threatened species and ecological communities, and conducts community and school educational workshops that promote awareness of the environmental issues faced in the region. Within the projects, there is a strong focus to increase Indigenous participation in project delivery and monitoring. Key areas of focus have recently included reducing erosion, nutrient enrichment and sedimentation of priority waterways; protecting and enhancing remnant bushland; and managing important breeding areas for multiple threatened species. 


Protecting the Eucalypt Woodland of WA Wheatbelt and the species that call them home

This project focuses on conserving the critically endangered Eucalypt Woodlands of the Western Australian Wheatbelt by working with landholders and the community to implement actions like revegetation, fencing, and weed control.

Protecting WA Black-Cockatoos

This project supports landholders to protect Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo habitats and additionally benefits Wheatbelt Eucalypt Woodlands, with actions like revegetation, pest control, habitat restoration, and critical site surveys.