More Homes Wanted for Wheatbelt Flora and Fauna
With over 10,000 hectares of habitat for vulnerable malleefowl and over 5,000 hectares of bushland containing the critically endangered Eucalypt Woodlands of the WA Wheatbelt protected so far, we’re on the look out for even more safe havens to protect the Wheatbelt’s threatened species and ecological communities.
We are thrilled to have grants available to support local community organisations and individuals to manage and undertake on-ground activities to protect remnant bushland and conserve biodiversity values. The Wheatbelt NRM Healthy Environments Program Manager Anika Dent is encouraging applications from community groups and individuals to help cover the cost of materials for a range of activities to give our feathered friends a safe home. “These grants can assist with feral animal control, nest boxes for native species and stock exclusion fencing, for the purposes of protecting remnant vegetation within the Wheatbelt NRM region. Applicable projects must demonstrate conservation benefits aimed at protection of native species,” Ms Dent said. There are 3 grants available under the Wheatbelt NRM Healthy Environments program.
Pick of the Litter: Protecting Malleefowl habitats.
Where the Wild Things Are: Eucalypt Woodland protection.
Healthy Bushlands: Remnant vegetation preservation.
Applications close Tuesday 28th February 2023. This project is supported by WNRM through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.
ENDS – For further comment or photo opportunities please contact: Engagement and Communications Manager Rose Crane 0427 902 265,