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Wheatbelt Woodlands have always been our priority

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Healthy Environments

The project – “Where the Wild Things are” is targeting patches of remnant vegetation that are consistent with the conservation advice describing the Eucalypt Woodlands of the WA Wheatbelt.

The Eucalypt Woodlands are listed as a threatened ecological community under Federal Environmental legislation. They are found nowhere else in the world and due to the fragmentation of the WA Wheatbelt and threats such as salinity, are now restricted to isolated patches. An ecological community is the unique group of plants, animals, insects, fungi and other organisms that call a specific area home.

These woodlands have always been important to Wheatbelt NRM and the community and many Wheatbelt locals would recognise some of the woodland types, including York Gum, Salmon Gum and Wandoo.

Wheatbelt NRM has historically targeted the woodlands in our work as we recognised their ecological importance as well as their value in contributing to the emotional connection many community members have with the Wheatbelt.

In 2016 Wheatbelt NRM worked with John Lynn from Watercarrin to protect the woodland remnants on his farm.

Considering the Shire of Cunderdin has only 7.9% remnant vegetation remaining, John’s actions to fence off the salmon gum woodland and improve connectivity through infill revegetation has a great impact on the landscape. His actions to commit to long term feral animal control will tackle some of the major threats to our native animals.

This bushland is in good condition and this work will ensure it is protected for our future generations.

With the development of an in paddock assessment tool to aid identification, we will be calling for interest from the community who believe they have these woodlands and would like assistance to manage them.

Please contact Anika Dent or 9670 3104 for further information.