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  • Sustainable Agriculture

    Workshops will be held 10-11 June in Bruce Rock and 25-26 July in Merredin. The 2-day workshops aim to foster self-awareness, community engagement, resilience, leadership skills, and the ability to create positive change while considering diverse perspectives and community well-being.

  • Healthy Environments

    With planting projects scheduled from June onwards, now is the time to finalise your preparation for revegetation sites.
    In drier than usual seasons good site preparation is even more critical for successful seedling establishment.
    Please consult this how-to guide for some tips to maximise the survival rate of your precious native seedlings.

  • Sustainable Agriculture

    While soil is the foundation to food and fibre production systems, little is understood about farmers’ relationships with soil and how they choose to manage it. Human connectivity has been identified as one of the five pillars of soil security, along with capacity, condition, financial and cultural values, and land management practices; however there is little empirical data demonstrating this. This survey has been designed to fill that gap and capture the human connectivity element.

  • Sustainable Agriculture

    Wheatbelt NRM would appreciate your input on our Red Card survey to help us keep the program running as efficiently and effectively as possible. The survey will close on March 22.

  • Sustainable Agriculture

    Applicants that were successful in securing funding in rounds 2 and 3 are invited to apply again, however new applicants will be prioritised if applications exceed the funding available.

  • Sustainable Agriculture

    The project is led by Federation University and its goal is to create an online knowledge system for soils that is self-sustaining and useful for research and education, and ultimately, farmer decision making.

  • Aboriginal NRM

    As the summer of record temperatures comes to a close it’s good to reflect on a season of hard work by the Noongar Boodjar Rangers. The Rangers have worked outdoors all through the summer whipper snipping, mowing, raking, weeding, spraying, seed collecting and rubbish collecting. Working for both government agencies and private individuals and companies, stretching from El Caballo to York to Warralakin, Wongan Hills, Toodyay and Northam.

  • Healthy Environments

    The release of the European rabbit, cat, and red fox into Australia in the 1800s has had an immeasurable impact on the country’s flora, fauna and farming industry. Rabbits alone are estimated to cause $600 million worth of damage to agriculture each year.

  • Sustainable Agriculture

    It was a full house at a recent workshop in Corrigin to gain accreditation in, and to assist with applying for, permits to use 1080 as part of our coordinated feral animal control.

  • Business Innovations

    It’s been a tough season for many, with 2023/24 throwing a few curved balls politically and climatically. Producers are understandably focused on core business, yet the global market environment continues to shift towards demonstrating emissions reduction both within the farm business and across the supply chain.

  • Microbial Indicators Sampling
    Sustainable Agriculture

    Wheatbelt NRM have been sampling for over two years on paired farms located in Buntine and Newdegate collecting data that is being used to unpack the relationship between soil biology metrics as indicators of soil health and assessing their relevance to crop production and environmental outcomes.

  • Long Billed Corella behind Little Corellas
    Sustainable Agriculture

    In 2022 a report was delivered to Wheatbelt NRM and Avon Regional Organisation of Councils from Edith Cowan University. The report recommended a coordinated approach be taken towards the management of corellas within the Wheatbelt.