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Farmers and Communities Who Are Beating Salinity - Invitation to Contribute to the New Museum Project

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Sustainable Agriculture

Kylie Elston is an assistant curator with the New Museum Project at the Western Australian Museum and she is researchingstories concerning the environment and agriculture in Western Australia. Her current focus is the future of agriculture in WA and how farmers and communities are addressing issues of sustainability. In particular, she is seeking examples of farmers and communities who have been particularly successful, determined or innovative in tackling salinity.

This information will inform content for the New Museum about how human activity has impacted on the environment and how decisions being made today will determine the future of our environment and natural resources. Kylie is also interested in how technology is changing how farmers approach sustainability and farm management.

If you are tackling salinity in your region and have information that can assist, please telephone Kylie Elston on 9212 3733 or email

Photograph by DoW