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Online Carbon Credit Calculator for Soil Carbon Projects

Media Release

Perth, Western Australia – 16 July 2024 – Carbon Sync, a Western Australian soil carbon farming project developer, today announced the launch of Australia's first free online carbon credit calculator specifically designed for soil carbon projects. This innovative tool empowers farmers to estimate their potential carbon credit earnings and associated income, fostering greater transparency and informed decision-making in the rapidly growing carbon farming sector.

The calculator, available on Carbon Sync's website, is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to farmers of all technical levels. By simply entering their arable land mass (in hectares), estimated annual soil organic carbon increase (as a percentage), and projected ACCU price increases, farmers can instantly receive a summary of their projected carbon credits and potential income, both in total and on a per-hectare basis.

"We're thrilled to introduce this groundbreaking tool to Australian farmers," said Louise Edmonds, CEO of Carbon Sync. "Our calculator demystifies the complexities of carbon credit estimation, enabling farmers to make informed choices about their participation in soil carbon projects."

Louise continued, “The calculator has been developed as a bespoke tool for Carbon Sync. Farmers simply enter the number of arable hectares on their farm and then click “Calculate” to see the number of carbon credits they can earn and how much they might be worth in AUD. The calculator defaults to a conservative sequestration rate of 0.01% annual uplift in soil organic carbon for the 25-year life of the project, but ambitious farmers can increase this value to see what the income potential is for greater sequestration on their farm. Farmers can also alter the default values for depth of soil carbon measurement, the bulk density of their farm’s soil and the estimated annual increase in the carbon credit (ACCU) value, and instantly see the results.”

The launch of this calculator aligns with Carbon Sync's commitment to supporting farmers in their transition to sustainable and profitable land management practices. By providing free access to this tool, Carbon Sync aims to encourage wider adoption of soil carbon farming techniques, which offer significant benefits for both the environment and agricultural productivity.

Until now, farmers have often been overwhelmed by the complexity of soil carbon farming and how varying sequestration rates can translate into an additional revenue stream for their agricultural enterprise. Many soil carbon farming developers (including Carbon Sync) offer the option of a paid, comprehensive carbon farming feasibility report, but this free tool enables farmers to model different scenarios and see the potential financial benefits.

Key Features of the Carbon Credit Calculator:

  • Free and easy to use: Farmers can access the calculator online without any cost or technical expertise;
  • Instant results: The calculator provides immediate estimations of carbon credit earnings and potential income; and
  • Customisable inputs: Farmers can adjust their inputs based on their estimates of carbon sequestration rates and ACCU prices.

The calculator is available from the Carbon Sync homepage or at

About Carbon Sync Carbon Sync is a full-service Western Australian soil carbon farming project developer committed to providing comprehensive support to farmers throughout the entire project lifecycle. Focusing on education, extension, and market access, Carbon Sync empowers farmers to implement regenerative practices that improve soil health, sequester carbon, and generate additional income streams.

Contact: Fleur Hull

Marketing and PR Manager