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Planting Season Supports Our Eucalypt Woodlands

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Healthy Environments

It’s no secret. The combination of habitat loss and increased exposure to a variety of threats across the Wheatbelt has meant that our Eucalypt Woodlands, Malleefowl, Black-cockatoos and many other species are facing challenges that they’re not equipped to deal with.

In response to this, the Wheatbelt community are engaged in a variety of on-ground projects to try and mitigate these risks – one of these activities is revegetation to support habitats under threat.

Revegetation Wins In The Wheatbelt

This year, we supported 29 Wheatbelt project sites to undertake widespread revegetation activities across 170 hectares of the Avon River Basin.

Of this, 107 hectares was planted to directly benefit the Eucalypt Woodlands of the West Australian Wheatbelt threatened ecological community by supporting a variety of sub-communities, including:

  • Wandoo over scrub
  • York gum over jam and herbs
  • Flooded gum
  • Salmon gum and York gum
  • Salmon gum and Wheatbelt wandoo 

The Eucalypt Woodlands of the West Australian Wheatbelt threatened ecological community were once widespread across the landscape. They’re not found anywhere else in the world and now, due to the fragmentation of the WA Wheatbelt and other threats, they’re restricted to isolated patches. This puts significant pressure on those species that rely on these ecosystems.

But Woodlands Weren’t The Only Winners

Plantings throughout 2021 also saw activities to: 

  • Improve three Wheatbelt priority waterways
  • Support habitat for Malleefowl through the revegetation of 25 hectares
  • Improve habitats for Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoos with 8 hectares of revegetation. 

And, of course, hundreds of Wheatbelt community members benefitted from the more than 3000 seedlings that were given out through our Free Trees events. 

This Wheatbelt NRM project is supported through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.

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