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Get Prepared for Fox Baiting Now

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Healthy Environments

A well-executed baiting program is the most cost-effective method of controlling fox populations to protect your valuable native fauna and livestock from predation. Research in the Australian agricultural space shows that there are no negative financial returns on good fox control programs and for every fox removed from the landscape, approximately 400g worth of native animals (per day) will live to see another day.

Late winter-spring is the most effective time of year to control foxes, as it disrupts their breeding cycle and prevents the next generation from establishing. If you can bait year-round, your impact will be even bigger!

Prepare now for your late winter- early spring 1080 fox baiting program to target foxes when they are most vulnerable by:

  • checking your 1080 permit is current and apply/renew if necessary;
  • ordering 1080 products from your nominated S7 retailer;
  • scheduling in a 6-week baiting period during August-September; and
  • notifying your neighbours of your baiting period, putting up warning signs and preparing to protect your pets and livestock from accidental poisoning during your baiting period.
  • smiling – Wheatbelt NRM knows how important this job is and we appreciate you

Baiting tips:

  • Bait for 6 weeks in late winter-early spring, replacing baits every week to avoid delivering a sub-lethal dose of 1080 and creating bait shyness.
  • Prioritise fox baits near fences, tracks and waterways placed strictly 200-500m apart (or a density of 5 baits/km2) paying attention to the required offset distances for these features in your permit conditions.
  • Bury or tether baits and mark locations so you can easily find them again to monitor the rate of uptake and collect them if uneaten.
  • Collect uneaten baits at the end of the 6-week period and dispose of by deep burial or burning to prevent sub-lethal dosing and non-target poisoning.
  • Combine your baiting with trapping and shooting.
  • Collaborate with your neighbours by controlling foxes at the same time.
  • Follow up with a second baiting round in late summer and early autumn.

If you are new to using 1080 baiting for fox control, find the relevant info and resources to get started below. Contact DPIRD or Wheatbelt NRM for guidance if the process seems hard to navigate.


DPIRD Pest and Disease Information Service - Ph: (08) 9368 3080 / Email:
Wheatbelt NRM – Ph: (08) 9670 3100 / Email: