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Software Boosts Wheatbelt Environment

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Community Engagement

A grant of $150,000 is set to upgrade ageing hardware for Wheatbelt NRM.

Lotterywest has approved the funding for Wheatbelt NRM, freeing up more money for the management of conservation and sustainable farming projects.

Over the past four years Wheatbelt NRM has worked with communities, rolling out funding for the on-ground works to the tune of $3.4 million.

During that time staff have adopted new technology including geographical information systems and improved data management.

Wheatbelt NRM’s chief executive officer Natarsha Woods said the support from Lotterywest would help the group to function more effectively.

“In running an organisation like Wheatbelt NRM, there are things that often go unfunded like updating computers and getting WiFi in meeting rooms,” Natarsha Woods said.

“We are very grateful that Lotterywest has jumped in to support us.”

Community groups will also benefit from the grant.

“We welcome community groups to access the resources including our meeting rooms at no cost.” Natarsha Woods said.

“The meeting space is already regularly used by locals like the Avon Valley Environmental Society and the Avon Sandalwood Network.”

“By upgrading the technology the benefits will flow beyond just Wheatbelt NRM.”