Tickets cost $100 per session or $150 for the full day (includes all meals).
Wheatbelt NRM is proud to present a one-day event featuring two exciting workshops about harnessing natural capital for sustainable farming futures.
REfreshed Perspectives: a practical approach to managing change in agricultural systems with Terry McCosker OAM.
This session will focus on the transition to improving soil, business and farmer health. There is a misconception that regenerative agriculture is about cutting out fertilizers and chemicals. Regenerative agriculture is not about inputs, it is about outcomes. It is about improving soil health, maintaining yield and increasing profit and discussing the steps we can take to rebuild these elements. We do not have all the answers, but we know the starting points.
This session will look at:
- Six straightforward soil health principles.
- We will look into the easy wins.
- We will focus on avoiding the “Valley of Death”
- We will hear from successful farmers who are in transition.
- We will hear of their success and learning experiences.
If you would like to get off the treadmill of high fertilizer and chemical costs, then this workshop will be of interest.
REhydrate The Landscape with The Mulloon Institute
Muresk Institute will provide the backdrop for a workshop delivering a practical, capacity building workshop on landscape rehydration that takes farmers through tools and techniques to take back to their properties. Come away better able to read landscapes and identify current and historical water flows. Learn to see where there are imbalances that may be leading to lost opportunities for water capture, erosion and a host of other hydration threats and opportunities.
Information on how to maximise ‘bang for buck’ in salinity mitigation will be given. This will include deciding on areas of greatest priority for; planting, earthworks, and exclusion fencing to combat salinity issues. Attend our event and come away with an introduction to the skills needed to make these kinds of decisions. Learn to think in terms of a rehydration plan; what that might look like and how to prioritise implementation strategies.
The workshop includes a field trip to Mulloon’s Muresk ‘Landscape Rehydration Trial & Demonstration’ which is supported by funding from the Western Australian Government’s State NRM Program. Participants will be shown landscape indicators and given the reasoning behind selected various management tools that will be used to address various imbalances and capitalise on opportunities.
Tickets are available through Humanitix.