A Rural Minds Workshop is a relaxed way to learn about mental wellbeing and resilience for your community, your family, friends, and yourself. Designed for rural and remote communities, and delivered by people who know what it's like out here, Rural Minds is just good, solid, practical, information without all the bull ... dust.
The workshop will:
- Improve your awareness and understanding of mental health issues
- Make the connection between mental health and personal safety
- Give you the confidence, strategies and pathways to supports to help you preserve your mental health and that of your family and friends.
Topics covered will include:
- Stigma around mental ill health
- Risks to mental health
- Anxiety and Depression
- Destructive Thinking
- Acute Stress and PTSD
- Dementia
- Suicide
- Alcohol, drugs and mental health
- Relationships
- Financial Stress and Succession
- Strategies to build and maintain mental health
- Mental health supports
Lake Grace CRC
Bishop St & School Pl
Lake Grace WA 6353
6pm Tuesday 26th February@ the Lake Grace CRC
To book in contact the Lake Grace CRC on 9865 1470 or