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Wandering the Wheatbelt, with care

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Healthy Environments

It is great to see people touring the Wheatbelt, and getting a glimpse of the beautiful wildflower season.

Wheatbelt NRM is encouraging anyone who is travelling throughout the Wheatbelt to ensure they are mindful of biosecurity factors.

It is important to remember that there are numerous harmful weeds, diseases and pests that can be transferred from one place to another by people, clothing, shoes, vehicles and equipment when travelling.

Some examples of diseases and weeds include myrtle rust, dieback and skeleton weed, just to name a few. You can report sightings of threats such as myrtle rust to DPIRD by using MyPestGuide Reporter.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) recently released a reminder to ‘be biosecurity aware as you Wander out Yonder’. Read the full details here.

Wheatbelt NRM is also encouraging the community to report sightings of Black Cockatoos and Malleefowl. Find instructions here or give us a call and we can talk you through it.

Enjoy your Wheatbelt Wanderings.

This Wheatbelt NRM project is supported through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.

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