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Malleefowl on the menu

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Healthy Environments

Though they maybe the size of a domestic chicken we really don’t want to make a meal of the iconic Wheatbelt malleefowl.

Like many species in the wheatbelt, malleefowl used to be found throughout the region but loss of habitat and predation by introduced pests have had a significant detrimental impact on both their population and range – they are consequently listed as Vulnerable under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

Given they are often a very secretive species we’d like to hear from you to help understand what is the situation in the wheatbelt   - we’re after the sighting of both birds and mounds to build a regional picture of how they’re doing.

Malleefowl are large ground-dwelling birds. They create nests made of a large mound of soil and leaf litter and manage the temperature of their eggs by adding and removing material from the mound.

Wheatbelt NRM is working with farmers throughout the Avon River Basin to protect areas of bush that can provide habitat for malleefowl. Connecting areas of habitat can also help in protecting this bird.

We are also keen to work with community groups who have a special interest in malleefowl conservation.

If you have seen malleefowl, seen a mound or know where they used to be please let us know.

Scan this QR Code and it will take you directly to a quick report where you can identify the location.

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