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Calici is an option for rising rabbit numbers

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Healthy Environments

12 months after the initial release of the Calici virus on his property Corrigin farmer Richard Guinness has seen rabbit numbers reduce by two thirds. This outperforms the national results and confirms that Calici is a viable control option in the Wheatbelt.

With reports coming back from across the region that rabbit numbers are increasing Wheatbelt NRM is preparing for another release of the virus this spring and we are looking for land holders who want to be part of it.

If you’re keen to participate, check rabbit numbers over three nights (spotlighting is ideal) at any hotspots on your property and let us know how many you have seen.

We have to order the Calici vials shortly and need to confirm numbers.

Rabbits are estimated to cause over $200 million dollars in damage to Australian agriculture every year, and they are recognised as a potential threat to at least 304 native threatened species (from Pestsmart).

Survey results over the last year indicate a very effective localised knockdown for participating farmers.

Please contact us to register your property and to we can go through the pre-monitoring with you  

Please contact Anika Dent on or 9670 3104 if you want your rabbits gone.

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