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Action taken on feral cats

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Healthy Environments

The State Government has strengthened measures to protect vulnerable and threatened native wildlife by declaring feral cats a pest animal in Western Australia.

This declaration provides an opportunity for community action to control feral cats.

Predation by feral cats is recognised as a key threat under the EPBC Act and across the Wheatbelt they are known to have a major impact on many small mammals such as Woylies, dunnarts and possums as well as birds and reptiles.

The declaration differentiates between feral, stray and domestic cats and relates to cats that are living and reproducing in the wild.

Recognised control methods are laid out and any action must be humane and undertaken in accordance with the Animal Welfare Act 2002.

The Regional NRM Strategy for the Avon River Basin sets long term targets for the region driven by considerable community input and current science. Increasing targeted feral animal control is a key priority.

This declaration will provide opportunities to take effective action to tackle this major threat and we look forward to working with our Wheatbelt community to conserve our unique wildlife.

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